
You would think that all we do is hike and picnic,  and I’d be down with that if that really was the case.   To celebrate Mother’s Day, my sister and I packed lots of food and the kids in our cars, and we met our mum and dad at yet another conservation area so that … Continue reading


Just finished scarfing down the most delicious pain au chocolat from the market, and before I freshen up Yo Yo’s fish bowl, I thought I would jot down some words in this space.    There is always lots going on around here. The teen is enjoying her 1/2 credit civics class, and I could probably learn … Continue reading

point pelee

When my parents asked me last year what I wanted for Christmas, it took me milliseconds to respond with a road trip – just one day of driving, touring, sightseeing, and spending time with them doing fun stuff.    So that’s exactly what I got.   We waited until the weather warmed up, and they gave me … Continue reading