mochi mochi

I have an announcement.  I am officially addicted to knitting tiny baby bunnies.  And tiny baby carrots.  The timing couldn’t be better with Easter around the corner.   Call it early Easter decorating.  The Bee made a house for the baby bunnies using a little shelf from her room.   She used little felt flower cut-outs for … Continue reading

lemon honey syrup

I’ve been battling a sore throat for weeks, so when I saw this natural remedy for sore throats AND I happened to have just bought two lemons, I whipped it up.  It took me two minutes to make.   Ridiculously simple.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  Right now it just looks pretty.


The sunshine called us outside and into the woods – again.   It was cold despite all the woolly accessories and winter gear.  After, we treated ourselves to hot chocolate and split a giant warmed up ginger molasses cookie.  We were warm again.  Once back home,  I made a big pot of chicken soup following this … Continue reading


Our microwave died a few months back, and I was so excited to be one step closer to being the pioneer I’ve always wanted to be. We didn’t use the microwave that much, but it’s been interesting finding out how to go back cooking/warming up food before microwaves. I didn’t anticipate the whole question of … Continue reading


It’s official. We now have a 17-year old. We celebrated with her favourite dessert – cheesecake. Lucky for me because it happens to be my favourite too. She loved the Dr. Who sonic screwdriver we gave her. I remember opening gifts at her baby shower shortly after she was born. One gift was a dress … Continue reading


Sometimes Tig gets chatty, and I have a feeling she’s trying to say something important.   I ask, “What is it, Lassie?”  Then I encourage her to show me.   It gets me nowhere. It is now February.  We’ve got lots going on this month.   The teen turns 17 on Wednesday. She has invited 14 of her closest … Continue reading