• sustain (səˈsteɪn)

    — vb 1. to hold up under; withstand: to sustain great provocation 2. to undergo (an injury, loss, etc); suffer: to sustain a broken arm 3. to maintain or prolong: to sustain a discussion 4. to support physically from below 5. to provide for or give support to, esp by supplying necessities: to sustain one's family ; to sustain a charity 6. to keep up the vitality or courage of 7. to uphold or affirm the justice or validity of: to sustain a decision 8. to establish the truth of; confirm

vingt et un

21 years ago, Josh and I became parents to quite possibly the smartest, toughest, coolest, funniest human being on this earth. She is simply amazing. Up until moving to Nice in September, she worked any time she wasn’t at school, and if she was not at school or work, she was studying. Without any loans, … Continue reading

night light

Today was a cleaning-errands-fixing-baking-library-chocolate zucchini muffin day.  Floors were washed, broken door knobs were replaced, a sweater was cast off, a coupon was redeemed, books were borrowed, soup was cooked, homework was completed, a closet was purged . . .  It was perfectly productive for a plan-free day.  Tomorrow holds a few grocery transactions, some dress-making, and a … Continue reading


Sometimes one must balance all that physical fitness with butter, sugar and chocolate.  It’s the right thing to do.  I call these Kata’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, and they are the ONLY chocolate chip cookies we bake around here. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup margarine 2 eggs 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp … Continue reading

wild child

NOTE: I wrote this one year ago but just now found it in my gigantic pile of draft posts. So much has changed (one kid is really studying abroad + the other is in high school), but so much has also stayed the same (the need to be still and enjoy this life we’ve made … Continue reading


Last year we found the perfect fall escape, so with very little discussion, I went ahead and booked it again for this year.  We lucked out, and the weather was lovely.  On the first day, I finished my reading and knitting.  I was prepared for that happening, and I cast on a stranded hat with … Continue reading

Celebrating December VI

December has got to be my favourite month of the year, and I wish time would go slower so it would all last longer – the music, the lights, the food, the gatherings, the making, the coziness, the togetherness . . . That being said, I equally resent the obligatory gifts, the jam-packed scheduling, all … Continue reading


Ella had a few days free of exams and work, so I planned a short mid-week train trip to  ogle exotic sea creatures and soak up some art and culture with my girls.  Thanks to airbnb, I found a sweet lake-side condo on the 50th floor, and we braved that elevator many times like bosses.  We watched … Continue reading


I’ve been using up all the scraps of wool left from completed projects to knit up colourful accessories – mittens, hats, cowls . . . My one knitting goal this year is to knit a blanket for my parents with a deadline of Christmas.  It figures that I’ve been procrastinating.  I spent hours and days … Continue reading


These pictures were taken at Halloween. I’m only 4 months late.  Sue me.  This kid LOVES Halloween and trick-or-treating. I don’t get it.  She doesn’t even enjoy candy much.  Most of her loot sits in a bowl on top of the fridge for months until I trash it.  This year she wanted to dress up … Continue reading

wood slices

I picked up these wood slices from The Been Garden in Old East Village.  They make my heart sing with their simplicity and natural beauty.   Apparently we own a chainsaw, and we have a crew coming to trim some trees in the backyard, so I feel that it is imperative that I slice some branches … Continue reading